My SIL has what sounds like a cold, but it is COVID. Caitlin has it, as well, but not as bad as I do. They are young!
I asked the Doctor's office about Paxlovid, but they said I didn't qualify. That's not true. In fact, you can just go to the pharmacist in Ontario.
I used Joe Brian's puffer since it has settled in my lungs. I've had all my shots and boosters. Thank goodness, or it'd be much worse. My throat is so sore. Advil has helped with the headaches.
I phoned to get some Paxlovid, our pharmacists can prescribe it. Our local pharmacy is out. Or what they have is stale. JB looked up close-by pharmacies and Shoppers Drug Mart was open until midnight. I phoned and spoke to the pharmacist. She asked about the other meds I'm taking and I told her.
A pharmacy 40-minutes drive away has it. Imagine trying to spell my name for someone over the phone when my voice is hoarse, and I'm coughing. She called back at 10:30 for my address.
The old man with cancer and Lyme disease is driving in this morning to get my Paxlovid. I bet President Joe Biden didn't have to jump through hoops to get his! The NY Times reports he's begun taking it.
OK, enough complaints. Thanks for your sympathetic messages. They are most appreciated.
OK, we could start a new blog just for "Sickies" out there. Or perhaps the "X" people already have. It's no fun. Don't do anything but find some TV series to binge watch, if you feel like it. I like listening to audio books, and find I can crush a 15 hours of a book in a couple of days! Be well my friend!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
I'm sorry to hear you have COVID. Do you usually cough, or is it just now because of COVID?
Here in the Netherlands, there aren't any specific medicines for it. Most people just recover and go back to work with COVID, carrying on with everything as usual. However, about half of our elderly population in the Netherlands have received a vaccination. The new variants of COVID-19 are capable of evading the vaccines, making the vaccination a little less effective.
I wish you patience; it's not easy, is it?"
Sorry to hear you're going through all of this.
Covid can be all over the map so sometimes mild to very severe.
The higher up the social or presidential scale you are, the better treatment it seems. Old age or illness is not for the faint hearted!!! JB, you are a real trooper !!! Josh says Revelstoke heat is unbearable, temps going from 36 to 40 over the next few days.I think he will be so relieved when summer is over, and can look forward to night skiing in Vancouver.Take care Jenn, I know rest and more rest is a help, the throat, hope anything you can find will help. XXX from winter here in NZ.
The people who I know who have had it recently have gotten over it in about a week so hopefully you will recover quickly too.
There must be a lot of Covid going around in Las Vegas and on planes.
Be well.
I really, really hope that the Paxlovid helps.
Just saw this link on FB, so I thought I would pop back in here, just in case in might help. I'm sure you can click even if you don't normally do FB.
I've heard the recent uptick in COVID cases is having serious and new side effects, with consequences beyond what we've experienced before. I'm so sorry y'all are suffering so😢 I hope you are better soon!
Missed seeing a new post from you this morning (Fri.) Hope you're doing ok. Certainly taking care of your self is more important than blogging, but I missed your usual "critters and the views around your place." Be well.
Great blog
Oh no, I am so sorry you have Covid Jenn, and with BJ's Lime disease too. Covid is on the rise in our area again and glad we are vaccinated. Wishing you both hail and hearty in no time at all.
So sorry about you getting covid and your husband getting lyme disease. Both of those suck mightily.
I got covid a little over two years ago and it walloped me. I wish I had pushed for paxlovid but my dr's office gave me the runaround. I should have pushed it as I hear good things about it.
Our President Joe got covid at the worst possible time. Such chaos we have going on.
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