Thursday 6 June 2024

Decorum - where has it gone?

 Let me begin with an amazing message. I've been hearing garbage spewing forth from politicians. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fine example. She refused to call Dr. Fauci 'doctor' during the hearings into COVID responses. The lack of decorum is and basic manners you would expect to see in parliament. It just shocks me. Chrystia Freeland is Canada's deputy minister and whether you agree with her party or not, it is time to get back to basic manners and societal values.

I continue to go out on the back deck in the early morning to listen to birds. 

There are too many bugs, and I've too much work to do in the yard to explore much. 

I learned about the birds around here from spotting one and researching it. Everyone has birds that are common to their region.  

common yellowthroat from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The birds have learned to tenderize their food. 

Yellowthroat & caterpillar from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

 I've a mystery critter! You can see it on the sidewalk. Too small for a cat. Too small for Fred, and Fred doesn't come out in the dark. I've put out a trailcam on the sidewalk to see if I can capture it.

critter from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo


Tom said...

...decorum is so old school.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

MT Greene is foul mouthed and likes to stir any pot she can. She is an embarrassment to herself and her party. Of course, her party isn't much better.

Good luck identifying birds in your yard.

Barbara Rogers said...

Loved the Yellow I've never seen. He seems to like your attention! New critter, humped back like a raccoon, but way too small! Hope it's not the fisher.

Anvilcloud said...

MTG is just about the worst politician possible.

Angie's Recipes said...

We enjoy our daily walk listening to birds and trying to identify's fun experience.

Red said...

Certainly more decorum is needed in public institutions.

RedPat said...

Chrystia would make a good prime minister.

Cloudia said...

They say that over time words morph into different meanings, sometimes they're opposite. That is certainly the case with our so-called conservatives who are now extremely radical traitors who want to destroy our way of life that has served us well. I hope more people wake up and they are soundly defeated!

DrumMajor said...

Is that a kitten? Linda in Kansas

Elephant's Child said...

How I wish that manners were still the rule. Sadly they are not.
I am looking forward to finding out more about your mystery critter.

Divers and Sundry said...

I'd settle for bad decorum if they just wouldn't spew vile lies :(

Jeanie said...

Good luck with your mystery guest! I hope the new camera works. As for MTG -- she is such a piece of work. What's amazing is that she still keeps doing it. Isn't one of the definitions of insane doing or saying the same things over and over again, even when they aren't working?

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Yup, both sides need to step back and take a breath. Sadly, that is not going to happen. No idea what that mystery critter is.