
Monday, 24 June 2024

Activities of Daily Living

 I'll begin my post with Cinnamon. He was watching Mayday with us last night! We are working our way through another series, as well, City Homicide. Happily, there is a new season of Professor T. We've lots to look forward to. What miffs me, as much as A/C's wife, Sue, are the stupid advertisements on Amazon Prime. 

Got back from picking up a grocery order and I have non-mental notes to remember! 

1) Should have powdered my nose first. 
2) Should have had breakfast first!
3) I have to remember I am Joe Brian there! (Poor woman couldn't find the order.) 
4) Apparently, I ordered ONE Brussel Sprout! I keep seeing the 100g and figuring I ordered that. 

It's lots of fun shopping on a Sunday morning. The streets and parking lot was quiet, except for this woman who kept dropping the F–bomb outside her car. She was older than me! 

I pulled out of the mall parking lot onto Wilson street, and nearly ran over a weasel. At first I thought it was a red squirrel. This is a file photo of one on our deck. The one I saw was crossing the street, in traffic. 


I am still working on my 60 gallon fish tank. I've a plan. Either buy one from someone in the area (30 gallons) or I repair the old one. I cannot repair it where it sits. We have to find someone to help me move it outdoors. I have a bit more cleaning to do on it.

<= The ladder didn't work out. I was afraid of falling in! 

If I get a new one, I'll hope my fishies don't grow as large as Percy. 

I was thinking of converting it into a vivarium. This looks like a fun pet:

I know my long-time followers have been following our Ottawa grandies. Jo (gr. 11) is happy to be done 3 of 4 exams. Today she writes Psychology/Sociology/Anthropology. Then her year is done.

Aster is finishing up her gr. 8 year. She has a graduation celebration this week. Grampa is under the weather so I think we'd best stay home. 

I have some small graduation presents for them. They are a surprise. I'm not sure when we'll see them. They have so much fun with friends, as well they should. 

The milkweed plants are in bloom.  I saw a hummingbird feeding at the plants. I was too slow for a photo.

I tried a macro.

More fun! The petunia.

Here is the egg sack from the arthropod eggs. They hatched, and turned into larvae.                    

I am obsessed with the Easter Question Mark egg! Or Eastern Comma. I'm not sure. The butterfly is so quick. 


That's all the fun I had this weekend. Time to go put the garbage out in the pouring rain. These Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) keep us going. It's the big test of whether you can stay in your home or not. 
Have a great week! I hope you have fun with your ADLs


  1. Let's certainly hope & work at keeping you & JB at Crumbly Acres for a long time to come. I chuckled at your brussel sprout situation - I usually put in special instructions "a good handful".

  2. Yep, putting trash out. Washing and putting away laundry (I'm halfway though with that!) ADL's are just the signs of life. Real life is the chuckles we share when looking at your various beautiful, curious (fish tank) and informative photos! Thanks.

  3. Hello,
    I wish I had some milkweed! Just one brussel sprout, that is funny.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  4. I'm finding monarch caterpillers on my milkweed! So exciting.

  5. Didn't it pour? I left my window open. Because of the slant, the results weren't too bad. 😊

  6. One large brussel sprout! I wonder what you will end up doing with your fish tank. Congrats to your grands.

  7. There always seems to be so much going on at your place.

  8. ADL, Assisted Daily Living down here !!! The tank, maybe buy a new one, and graduation, it seems to suddenly be happening, those subjects look very serious ones. When I did online shopping in our Covid lockdown, I also ran into the same disaster, and ended up with one potato and one orange!!!

  9. You are so right about ADLs. Some of which are getting harder and harder.
    I hope the weasel made it across the road safely...

  10. Last I heard there was a lawsuit about Amazon Prime ads, because the service we bought and paid for didn't have ads and this constituted a change in the terms we entered under. Really, they shouldn't have been able to add ads until our current plan needed renewal. No that I have strong feelings about it 😡

    I have a FB friend who order 5 lbs of potatoes which got misread by the person doing the selection as 5 potatoes. Not helpful.

    An old aquarium make a great vivarium. I look forward to hearing what you decide to do.

    Tiny little eggs!

  11. You sure do have a lot going on!!

  12. You had a lot of fun this week end and time to plan a few things to keep you happy. I hope you get the fish tank repaired.

  13. The milkweed is looking great and I always love hearing about your grands! I love Professor T -- I'm so glad it's back!


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