
Tuesday 14 May 2024

My new flag arrived!

This is the 'back 40!' The aspens are budding out. I tried a panoramic photo and that didn't quite work out!

Out front, I replaced the stolen Gay Pride flag and moved it to the arbour. Haters aren't going to win. It was $100 to replace the flag and another $85 for the new flag pole. They broke the flag pole when they ripped it off the fence. 

It is so pretty in the wind!

They are amazing skies. Little dark gray clouds would fly by, and we'd have sun and clouds, and some rain.

I thought to look at Maggie Magnolia and she is in bloom! 

It is lovely getting out and about. I wore my foot brace and things got better! 

 Sometimes my trailcams pick up fun things. This is phoebe flying up towards her nest.

Fred is still nest building. I think this is Fred 2, the female. Fred 1 is still digging out under the shed. She is more shy than he is. Barring name tags, this is my theory.

Fred nesting from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

He is a hoot. He chirped at me, then ducked for cover. It's a sort of whistly squeak but he wouldn't talk to me when I was filming.

Fred in the shed from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. Jenn, your resilience in the face of adversity is truly inspiring! Replacing the stolen Gay Pride flag and moving it to the arbour is a powerful statement against hate. The new flag looks beautiful fluttering in the wind, and it’s heartwarming to see nature coming to life with the aspens budding and Maggie Magnolia in bloom. Your trailcam captures add a delightful touch, especially the amusing antics of Fred and Phoebe. Thank you for sharing these vibrant snippets of life and for standing strong. Your positivity and determination are greatly appreciated!

  2. What a great colorful gay flag, and replaced in safer area, as well as where you can enjoy the colors in the wind! How on earth is Fred digging so much earth up in the shed!

  3. Good for you for showing the flag.

  4. What's wrong with people?! I'm glad you persisted. I'd forgotten how lovely your place is. That flowering tree is beautiful.


  5. Well done on replacing the flag. I hope the haters don't find the new one.

  6. I think that Freds will keep you busy all summer.

  7. I'm glad for you. I'm not a 'flag person' myself, but I am against vandalism and damage of any kind to someone's property.

  8. Oh I'm glad your foot felt okay. Thank you for replacing the flag. It should be on your property and with a cam so you can press charges against the local idiots for trespassing should they come back. Your heart is in the right place. God bless you, Jenn. Aloha

  9. If you keep going you'll have these two eating out of your hand.

  10. Why, why, why do people do awful things like taking your flag. I will never understand that. Those car accidents break my heart.

  11. Can't let the haters win can we? Too many things people want to hate, though thankfully there are more people like you who won't put up with it, and hurray for people like you! Hope your foot is back to normal real soon. So sad about the car accident.


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