
Thursday 23 May 2024

In the yard...

Look at the tulips! This is why I take photos of them. I think the rabbit did it, but who knows? The first photo I took with my iPhone last week, the second this week. Flowers nipeed and falling over.

Someone chopped off the top of a milkweed plant. I ordered seeds, but they haven't arrived. We had a late frost several years ago and it fried a lot of them. I have about a dozen plants. OK, eleven!

I set out the trailcam on the sidewalk. Look who I busted!

Fred busted from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

FRED: I took away the logs, laid down some chicken wire, and put the barriers back up. I was so tired! Take that, Fred! Thanks for all the good suggestions. I think I am winning! ✊

For posterity, I took photos of the rhododendron! May 18, 20 & 22.

I thought this through, and came up with a plan to refix this planter. This is the second time I've done this. The first year it was amazing (2018), planted and nurtured in the greenhouse until I got my hands on it. 

 The garbage bag liner has fallen apart. Then I duct taped it. Time for a new look. 
I had a piece of liner from redoing the goldfish pond. We'll see if this works out. 

There we go! The liner is very black, and gets ruined in the sun. I spray painted it.

I had a faithful helper. OK, Cinnamon's not much of a helper, more just moral support. He follows me from the back to the front garden, and back again to the back. Lying down on the job, just like Fred.

I moved the orchid cactus plant outdoors, shifting Frosty to stand beside Bear who has a new t-shirt. It's like redecorating! 

We rested from our work, sitting on the lower deck. Along came a centipede, minding its own business. I was happy to shower and rest! Wednesday was too hot to garden very much. It was 33 ℃ and that is really hot in the sun. It climbed a couple of degrees after I took this!


  1. ...I have a green garden cart too!

  2. Poor tulips! Cute video of Fred though!

  3. Our tulips are done. I think we'll buy some annuals today -- or soon.

  4. Beautiful refreshing morning after last nights thunder storms.

  5. You have several menageries! Some breathing, others for amusement. Loved Fred's glance over his shoulder at the camera! What a ham! Good idea painting the black planter white...hope it helps. Yay for Cinnamon's help...I dare say he was a bit warm in his fur coat too!

  6. We had Fred's grandpapa here a few years ago. We ended up live-trapping him and relocating him a long way away. We had to. His main aim in life was undermining the support posts for the kitchen deck.
    I have given up on planters. I used to have lots and loved them, but I can't maintain them now the way they should be.
    But as for milkweed, we have lots and lots.

  7. Gorgeous flowers, I love this time of year.

  8. It is the squirrels here that nip the tulips off and also they like magnolia buds just before they start to open. I wish I had a helper like Cinnamon.

  9. 33C and not even into real summer temps already!! Love the sidewalk video as he scuttled away.

  10. It is the birds, particularly our sulphur crested cockatoos that behead and shred our spring bulbs. I keep a pump action water pistol on the front veranda and gun the culprits down. It scares them off. Very temporarily. I hope you have more success than I do.

  11. Don't ya just hate it when some mysterious critter takes down your plants.

  12. Our tulips are no more. We have daylilies now. You're developing quite the repertoire of animal management skills.

  13. Love all the photos, flowers are beautiful but Fred hurrying down the path in the video gave me a laugh. Thanks Jenn!

  14. You've been busy! Tulips are over here for this year. Always too short a season. Your planter fix is great. Fred's rear end scurrying away is a fun sight.

  15. Fred is funny. You have been very busy, and in the heat!


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