
Sunday 12 May 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

We are surrounded by mothers! May is the month of babies. 

PHOEBE: May 7th – they have five eggs: 16 days incubation = May 22 hatching. 

May is our month of birthdays, as well. Happy birthday Aster! She was 14 years old, May 7th! Here we are in the old veggie garden. 

Thankfully, our Ottawa family came over! Both Joseph Brian and I lost our mothers on Mother's Day weekend. It was tragic. I always counsel clients to celebrate the day they were born, not the day they died. It is tough, I know. The other trick is to remember them when they were healthy and happy. 

My dear client, Kay, was very wise. A retired nurse, living in LTC with a husband sharing her room. He had Alzheimer's Disease. She told me to remember that this is just a part of your life, the end-stage of death and dying. It is not your whole life. I've learned so much from my clients. 

Grampa ordered a special flan for Aster's birthday. Jean-Luc, my SIL, BBQ'd burgers, cooked some asparagus. I picked up some from our neighbours down at Miller's Bay. Caitlin brought a salad. Grampa did a punster quiz, the theme was cats. Jo put the candles on the cake for me!

Caitlin is still the tallest at 5' 7"! Both young ladies have slowed down with Aster being 5' 6". 

Aster from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Back to the good old days of animated movies, we watched this!

It was a great day.

To answer your questions, there aren't any Fred babies yet. I am sure there will be! Fred keeps taking nesting materials into the burrow.

I am still working on the fish tank. I've removed most of the old caulking and have to recaulk it. It takes a rainy day. Then it takes a sunny day to test it and hope for the best. But we've three little goldfishies in the pond.


  1. Sounds like a grand Mother's Day.

  2. Happy Mother's Day, looks like a wonderful day with family! I love that tip to celebrate the birthday and not final day.

  3. Swim swim swim little fishies! Love seeing all your family photos on that video! Super shots. Happy mother's day to you, Jenn.

  4. Family photos, they are so special. Hope you had a grand Mum's Day. I remembered my Mum with much love and some sadness, but recognise her talents far more now than when I was with her.

  5. Happy Mother's Day and enjoy all of the birthdays.

  6. Happy Mother's Day!
    The cake looks yummy!
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  7. Happy Mother's Day. Love those happy photos. I too learn a lot from the callers on the crisis line.

  8. It's hard to believe your grand daughters have grown up so quickly. I like how they spend time with Grandma.

  9. Happy Mother's Day ❤️💐 to You 🌻

  10. What a wonderful Mother's Day for you ~ lovely photos and am amazed you are planting ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Glad you had a good Mother's Day. We did too.

  12. not familiar with the movie. i need more info. will do my research. i am curious. lol. take care this week. ( ;


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