Thursday 16 May 2024

Fred and the Weigela!

 The Freds have been busy little bees 🐝. Nesting materials are making it into the nest. I think she comes up for a break and for air. 

The cats go out for an hour, then come in for breakfast. So far, so good. We have a fox, coyotes, a fisher, and a mink. I consider this good training for them! 


Nutmeg & Fred from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They take long breaks for resting, eating, and then go back to renovations.


Fred May 10 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

This is what the Weigela looks like in summer!

Right now, though... 

fred & the weigela from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

She's been nibbling on my ↑weigela. I have to warn her that she'll enjoy the flowers later much, more than the leaves! Although, as Caitlin reminded me, Thumper said, 
"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself."

 After the dentist on Wednesday, I went out back to refill the water fountain. Fred has been busy. The little twerp has redug two holes. The one under the propane tanks, and the other under the wood pile. What a twerp. I shovelled the dirt back in and moved rocks and sand back in the holes. Again! ARGH!

I shall keep at it. I managed to keep them out from here last year.  

We'll see what they get up to today! 


Anvilcloud said...

Who will win: Fred or Jenn?

Barbara Rogers said...

Training for whom? The Freds seem to be doing what they d*** well please. Sorry your flower will be shorn at Fred it will be taller this year. Glad they do run from I'm guessing you are looking out for their welfare.

RedPat said...

They certainly are busy.

Kathy G said...

Outwitting nature is a never-ending job.

DrumMajor said...

Maybe you could place some quarter-inch chicken wire under the propane and wood pile, extended about 2 feet out from them to stop the Freds from being naughty. Linda in Kansas

Christine said...

Lovely weigela

tz_garden said...

Fred is always busy, what a rascal! I hope your weigela gets plents of flowers, maybe on the upper portion.

Divers and Sundry said...

Fred is persistent!

Cloudia said...

I am enjoying your home almost as much as you are. Jenn, aloha!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love Fred. He is getting plump on everything he has to eat at your place.

DeniseinVA said...

Lots of activity from your critters. Always delighted to see your photos and videos.

Elephant's Child said...

Good luck on the Fred training. We also have weigelia - but no Freds.

Red said...

Fred will win the hole digging contest.

Jeanie said...

You've been super busy but everything in your yard looks really good. Ah. the unwanted, badly placed holes. You show Fred who is in charge!

Val Ewing said...

😌 Fred is a woodchuck or groundhog? I don't get along with them...... But only because one chewed through my transmission lines on our car. That made for some inconvenience.
Cute videos though!