
Tuesday 7 May 2024

Crumbly Acres gutters and tree frogs

I love this time of year! The gray tree frogs are singing to attract a mate. We have three frogs that like a corner of the house, this one had moved to the wall art!

tree frog song from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Things are a little less crumbly today. There was a rainstorm, and things got backed up. I drained it with a hose used as a syphon, until I could get up there and fix it.

eavestrough from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Monday morning, after lunch, I ventured up on the roof to clear the blockage. It has been a long time since I thought I could handle it emotionally. When you are in constant Fight or Flight, your mind and body panics with anxiety. "You dun good," my mother would have said. 

You can see what backed it up, although I'd grabbed a bunch of debris already. This was filled with a large clump of leaves. NOTE TO SELF: wear gloves. The shingles are very hot in the sun.

There were tree frogs at two of the three drain spouts I cleared! PLOP!! This one is large, several years old, and jumped right off the roof onto the ground below. I hear it singing here all the time, above the water barrel. 

Froggie #2 was in the back corner, sitting atop the debris that was blocking the drain spout.

I tried a couple of panoramic photos, but didn't quite manage them. 

I love all the little violets, blue and white, in the lawn.

The leaf buds are little green spots of colour, growing larger and larger each day.

After jumping off the roof, the tree frog out front began climbing up the water barrel. I'll bet he is up in the gutter, again. All was forgiven.

After I was back on the ground, the tree frog was back in the back corner, singing in the gutters! 

tree frog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. I am one guy whose singing was not likely to attract a mate.

  2. You are a braver woman than I, up on that roof! But the tree frogs! That's really kind of cool!

  3. I love your photos and videos. You live on a beautiful piece of land.

  4. The tree frogs have a cute little song. Good job on getting those gutters cleared! Everything is so green, looking lovely.

  5. Those frogs are real climbers.

  6. Tree frogs are so fascinating!

  7. Please do be extra careful on the roof if you need to go up there dear!

  8. Well done on the roof/gutter front. That is definitely beyond me now. How lucky you are to see and hear frogs.

  9. Very few frogs here anymore. Good to hear about your frogs even if they plug the eave troughs.

  10. Love the sunflower. I have seen one frog so far. Hoping for more.


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