
Monday 29 April 2024

Monday morning comes too fast!

 It was sunny Friday, and Saturday morning. The daffodils recovered from the frost. 

Cinnamon helped me, providing moral support, – or a distraction as I worked to clean the fountain. He is on the fence about 'helping.' Just beyond the fence are holes 4 a) and b). (There are usually two!)

Here are Fred's burrows. While I was working on the water fountain, I noticed Cinnamon going over to burrow #4. Fred had dug out some sand and grasses. Cinnamon had a good sniff. I thought that Fred was doing spring cleaning. 


Then Cinnamon rolled around in the sand and debris.

Cinnamon from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I wondered why Fred wasn't working on burrow #4, off the edge of the septic bed. The skunk may have moved back in. Maybe holes 4 (a) and (b) aren't connected! It'd be clever to be beside the skunk for protection! I think the cottontail burrow is right nearby, as well.

I moved the Windscapes camera, I found some friends.


doe from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Fred Groundhog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Skunk Apr. 26 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Garbage is out, and it is raining. The snow tires come off today. We'll see what the week brings. I know the day will bring us rain. Sudbury has ice rain. 


  1. A good sign of the season change...snow tires off. Isn't it nice to ride along with the quietness now? Loved seeing the critters! Hope Mr. Cinnamon didn't pick up any odors from the sand he rolled in...but he knows how to be a clean cat.

  2. Your critters are living on burrowed time. So to speak.

  3. A nice portrait of the skunk.

  4. My goodness. You have your own zoo right in your own backyard!

  5. Love your daffs. And Cinnamon's ecstatic roll.

  6. Cinnamon is such a lucky cat to live with you Jen! Aloha!

  7. I always enjoy visiting to see what critters are walking through your property. Such fun, thanks Jenn :) The skunk are adorable, well, except for the obvious of eau de what the heck is that!

  8. Send some rain here please!

  9. Yikes! a skunk! We don't have those here thank goodness.

  10. You certainly have some lovely clusters of daffodils. Such cheerful flowers with their nodding sunny heads. Your skunk friend is so cute, stinky, but cute. :)


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