
Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Trailcam tales

The other trailcam captured 1860 photos down on the dock. The frog pond has been hosting 4 male wood ducks ( 2 paired off with females), 2 mallards, and 2 hooded mergansers. Then, there is a chipmunk, a nursing Butch Raccoon, a deer mouse,

This is so cute!!! Obviously, a lactating momma!

I moved the trailcam down to where the trail narrows between the wetland and the frog pond. The coyote paused and looked both ways!

Can you see him?! A turkey, middle left!

Then there is Junior. He was here at 8 p.m., then seemed to come back at 9 p.m., or we have two bears!

Back up at the house.


  1. tell me more .... tell me more .... Beautiful trail cam tales!

  2. It's a busy place that you have.

  3. Hari OM
    Popular pot.. popular spot...popular lot! YAM xx

  4. You can't hie from those webcams.

  5. The racoon on the deck, that is a winner of all trail cams. What activity you have.

  6. You have such a busy place there. Makes me wonder what I miss when I go to bed at night.

  7. The deer sniffing at the camera is my favourite.


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