
Friday, 4 May 2018

May tales: backyard trailcam

May are firsts. First one back from migration, first one seen from hibernation.
May 3, first male rose-breasted grosbeak was spotted. Soon, they'll be nesting. I put a female beside for comparison, but I haven't seen her yet!

Every year, I dig out the pathway stones, lovingly laid be previous owners. This year, a blue-spotted salamander. Now the condition of my hand tells you this. I tugged one bit of moss, thought I should go get gardening gloves, then tugged another, and it led to this. What was the point, then?!

The phoebe has settled in the shed for their nest. They had trouble making up their minds. First two attempts were on the deck beams.

This is so funny! The same backyard...
A skunk, Hooper, raccoon, two raccoons, chipmunk, bunny, Hooper!


  1. You wonder what the salamander thinks of being picked up.

  2. We saw the grosbeak yesterday for the first time too. Flitted in and out before the camera snapped a photo, am on the lookout on this rainy day. Excitement today as the street sweeper went by!! Madame think that if this happened while teaching all the kids would be outside watching :)

  3. Hooper is just rounding up the others!!! Hope you have some warmer days ahead.

  4. Here water fowl are back and also the red-winged blackbirds.

  5. I hope every day of your May is filled with the beauty and wonders that you share here!!

  6. That's a busy backyard. Tis the season for dirty hands, love it. What, no book review this month? You must have been busy, - Margy

  7. It's nice to see all of this as we don't from our townhouse backing onto a bust street.

  8. I do like the rose-breasted grosbeak, so colourful.

    All the best Jan


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