
Thursday, 24 May 2018

May Bear & trailcam sightings

May 27th

May 26th afternoon Junior Bear

He left me a little message.

May 26th evening

May 26th coyotes

May 25th


My bear sighting lists are here.

May 24th

Bear was back! Just doin' what a bear should do.
The date is wrong. These are from May 24. Every time I replace the batteries, I forget to adjust the date!


  1. I saw a bear only once in our yard but my in-laws in Connecticut see them all the time.

  2. We have bear warnings going out in town. There has already been an altercation with chickens in a more rural area that resulted in the death of the bear. Our salmon berries are late so the bears are waking up and hungry with limited natural foods to choose. - Margy

  3. Hello, wonderful trailcam photos. I love the bear images. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. I want a trail cam, but I don't think it would catch a bear. Nice!

  5. Awesome sightings and captures on the critter cam!


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