
Sunday, 11 February 2018

sunny day

Dawn brought lovely sunshine. And deer friends.

Hubby suggested we go out to lunch Wednesday. This is his kind of lunch: in front of the warm fire, and no other patrons! There were patrons in the lunch side of the restaurant. We had the 'fine dining' room to ourselves.

I showed off my new hair colours.

Then, there is this car. I couldn't believe the bumper sticker.

Daisy, still fighting a cold, went up a tree.
Happy Daisy from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. Regarding the bumper don't even need to know the owner of the car without already having a glimpse into the hi/hers mind! No the kind of company I want to have over for tea and crumpets!

  2. Hari Om
    Now I want an open fire...and lunch! No chance of the first, but can attend to the second. Am watching Canada ladies beat the blades of the OAR ice hockey team... and Canada is looking good in the mixed pairs curling...

    What's that? OOW - obsessive Olympics watcher? Yes. I'll carry that label! YAM xx

  3. Fine dining, and huge snowfalls. Enjoy an outing, and keep warm at home.

  4. Daisy's looking quite content up in that tree.

  5. You're the only two with taste when you go for the fine dining.

  6. looks like a nice lunch! 'deer friends' is a kind of pun.

  7. Oh yes! I'm loving your hair colors and styling.


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