
Saturday, 20 January 2018

My daughter took a trip...

My daughter is amazing. She's grown into a fearless woman. I was painfully shy much of my early  adult life. As a child, I was afraid to answer a question in school. It wasn't until university that I had any confidence.
Caitlin has her M.Sc., and a great job as a hydrogeologist. My kids are all in their 30s, she is my eldest, and I don't know where the time has gone!

Caitlin left for Vancouver – YVR (3350 km west of Ottawa –YOW). Then, went from there YVR => Taipei –TPE (9603 km – further west). I tracked her on She left on Thursday, January 10th and arrived back in YVR Saturday, then home to YOW on Sunday.
West, across the ocean, then she came back, visiting her brother and family in Vancouver, about 13,000 km.

She made it! Her smart phone has an amazing camera.

She visited several temples. She had tea and soup.

What a whirlwind trip!
This is YVR.

She took two 'buddies' - one belonging to each of her girls. Yoo Hoo and Topsy.

Caitlin went up Taipei 101 tower. This is an interesting spot.

What a view. She also went up the Maokong Gondola.

Caitlin posted all of her photos on iPhoto, and the family, including extended family, were able to view them as she uploaded them. I've taken her photos, and created a book for her. It should arrive next week. I do this every time they take a trip, and this family does travel. They have a map on their dining room wall, with all the places they've visited flagged with a date.

Caitlin was back in YUL, for the 20-min. flight back to YOW. It was 10:30 and the restaurants were closed! Still, Pepper the robot turned up. One family eschewed said robot. Tired travelers, perhaps! It might have been a bit bizarre, though, with young kids.

Caitlin arrived back home a week ago. She is fighting flu this week, no fun. I'm happy she is home and safe!
Installs Pepper The Robot At North American Airport Restaurants
Airport Revenue News 653 × 408Search by image
HMSHost Installs Pepper The Robot At North American Airport Restaurants
Pepper has also been installed at the Washington Redskins Burgundy & Gold Club in Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) and at Point the Way Café in Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).


  1. I love to travel vicariously through my kidlets too. My eldest and her husband are childless world travelers. They are in Bermuda soaking up some heat this week.

  2. Hari OM
    Flying almost guarantees catching some infection, sadly. Hope it doesn't last too long for C. Pepper? No thanks. YAM xx

  3. flight tracker, a great app, and iPhoto, wonderful, How things change within families, I had not flown until about I was 44,or so, and then just a short internal flight!!! Nowadays, so many commute each day, or travel for holidays without thinking it is a big deal, Well done Caitlin for your adventure.

  4. Taipei had an event last year at the Ottawa Welcomes The World series. I found it fascinating.

  5. It's wonderful to be able to travel and so good to be fearless!

  6. It's a completely different world for our kids. One time my son was in Camp Gagetown while my daughter was on Vancouver island.

  7. Kudos to her! Traveling makes one feel alive; traveling broadens one's horizons. Traveling alone is both a challenge and a pleasure.

  8. Shauna is on her way to Phoenix. Allyson has been to Hawaii already this year. I am not sure if I've been out of CP. Oh yes, we went to a movie in Kanata.

  9. That's quite an exciting trip. - Margy

  10. Our son gave us a wall map to do the same thing, but sadly we haven't gotten around to doing it.


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