- mourning dove 8
- downy woodpecker 3
- hairy woodpecker 2
- pileated woodpecker 1
- black-capped chickadee 6
- red-breasted nuthatch 2
- white-breasted nuthatch 2
- dark-eyed junco 3
- northern cardinal 1
- American goldfinch 6
- American tree sparrow 2
- blue jay 6

This is a perfect illustration: the downy woodpecker's beak is small, the hairy's beak is much larger, in proportion to its head.

We did our Christmas bird count yesterday (the first of two each year) and I am paying for it today with my aching knees! I think it's time to ask for a shorter route next year and let some of the younger members do these long walks.
ReplyDeleteGood work!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a fruitful day of counting.
ReplyDeleteSo many, and your feeders are working overtime right now. Beautiful with the snow.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful birds!
ReplyDeleteTat's a good variety. That's why you live in the country.
ReplyDeleteCitizen science at its best. Are we still allowed to use the word science? Just a bad joke from the States. - Margy