
Friday, 27 October 2017

Kingston Trip – Part 6: Amherst Island, Wildlife, Topsy Farm!

Kingston –Part 1, here we come!
Kingston Trip – Part 2: Gord Downie Memorial 
Kingston Trip – Part 3 Dinner: Amherstview
Kingston Trip – Part 4: Amherst Island Ferry
Birds are flocking! (videos)

Sadly, the eastern part of the island, while great birding spots, were closed to civilians, non-members of the Kingston Field NaturalistsThen, there is Owl Wood, which is private. That's OK, as we have owls here (BARRED OWL)!

We did see some birds, starlings, hawk, kestrel! Of course, there were sheep, but there were lots of animals all around this part of the island. The kestrel didn't like the car. The hawk was grooming (see below). We have sheep near home, but this was a lovely trip. The stone work is amazing.

This is the finale! We achieved our goal, to visit Topsy Farm. It's a legend on Amherst Island. They've had this farm since 1972. They do amazing work, as well as supporting good causes, and have sustainable, ethical farming.

There is a lovely mix of homes and farms on the island. These are drive-bys.

 I was pretty jiggly, but here is the hawk!
Hawk from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. A super place to end up, love the " Wool Shed" with those huge display cabinets, and so peaceful in every photo, guess once you were living there, you would not want to leave... ever.

  2. Great farm country to travel through. I know who chose the country of you two!

  3. Wonderful shots! Always count on some of the animals in a herd to take note of the photographer.

  4. The first thing that came to my mind was Animal Farm by George Orwell.

  5. Hello, looks like a fabulous trip. I love the scenery and the cute sheep, cattle and the beautiful horses. The Topsy Farm sounds wonderful. Great series of photos and video. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Nice trip with great pics to share with us. I like your sheep, cattle and horses. I enjoy seeing the white legs of the horses plus your scenery pics.

  7. Wonderful shots of various wildlife.

  8. Lots of farm animals. Horses are always my favourite. - Margy

  9. Gorgeous photos and video! What a wonderful place! I enjoyed being in the country with you this morning!


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