
Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Kingston Trip – Part 4: Amherst Island Ferry

Our latest adventure

Kingston –Part 1, here we come!
Kingston Trip – Part 2: Gord Downie Memorial 
Kingston Trip – Part 3 Dinner: Amherstview

Part 4 The ferry ride!

They were working on the harbour.

The geese were flocking. Amazing fly-bys!

Watching the cars exit, we prepared to get on.
It is a different ferry, since you drive onto the ship in the middle of it, drive to one end, then when you arrive, you have to back up half the ship to turn and exit via the ramp in the middle.

It's tricky. You have to back up, and follow their directions. I wasn't very good at it! One guy shook his head sadly, as I was afraid I was backing up into him and didn't back up far enough. <sigh>

 It was incredible the way they managed to put the flat-bed truck onto the ferry with us!

It's a busy crossing, with a couple of harbours for private use, as well. These photos are from the return trip.


  1. Beautiful shots! The fall colours are coming along nicely!

  2. Hari OM
    Well, y'now that I have a fondness for ferries - have to have; ours work with RORO though - on one end off the other (roll on roll off). One does have to trust the bloke waving his hands at ya though. They kinda know what they are about!!! YAM xx

  3. Maybe the deck isn't wide enough for a drive on, round the corner at the stern, then drive off,like our larger ones down here.The one time when we came back from the South Island with our caravan, Hugh had to reverse down a long drive on part, and keep reversing until we were what would be the first to get off. Somehow a large HUGE truck had gone on before us and was at the half way turn around, and didn't leave enough room for our longer length.Hope you have enjoyed all of the Kingston trip.Hooray, I am driving us to town today, and going to a quilt fabric shop!!! Can you see my smile from Perth??

  4. Fun photos and video from your trip Jenn, thanks for sharing them. I love ferry boat rides.

  5. Fun outing, thanks for sharing!

  6. You had an exciting time at Kingston.

  7. The fall colours are coming along nicely!


  8. Lovely to see the geese fly by!

    All the best Jan


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