
Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Wood shuffling 2.1

Day 2 – Saturday, Part 2 (Wood shuffling Part 2.0 Friday)

The dude who delivered was funny. He said they were frantically hustling to deliver wood to customers. He said that the radio announced the 'F' word.
I asked, "They used the F bomb?"
I should have just shut up and let him tell his story. Not the F bomb, but the word 'frost,' and people were in a hurry to get wood in. He was quite concerned that we didn't have enough wood to heat the size of our house over winter.( I'd ordered 2 bush cords.) Explaining that we had propane, I just cannot haul the wood some days. I give myself the day off.

Having just checked in on Facebook, where I'd posted my video... Winter, bring it on! 
Caitlin, as is the family tradition, broke out into puns. I'm not great with puns, but the rest of them are!  I post them here for hubby, who doesn't do FB!

I was listening to the radio, hubby was taping the tennis game for me. The radio wasn't doing well, but I heard them announce the tennis. I plugged my ears. It was a cold open, with the remnants of Hurricane Harvey on the way. I knew I'd best get it all done Saturday. We ended up getting 17.8 mm (7/10") and I was happy the wood was in the shed and dry.

Annie was desperate to visit. She watched where Daisy was going. Then hustled on over. Daisy is still wildly jealous of her. 
Today, I had three cats and a hubby helping! Dorah was the most interested. They run across the open yard, we've got coyotes and hawks!

At the end of the day, a few scrapes, sore muscles, and a jogging bra full of debris, we got it done!


  1. Aghhhh, ours is mostly still in the yard, but thankfully under a tarp. Next years hardwood is not protected though. Hubs is hopeful that some of it will be ready to burn after the New Year. I don't know about that........ I feel so guilty that I am not physically able to help him this year.

  2. Hello!:) Your two kitties have a lovely large area to play in, and lots of interesting places to explore. Your wood pile looks like ours.

  3. Phew!!! That is such hard work, and we also rake up all the bark and small pieces. Feline helpers, they like to participate!!! Down here, we are thankful that the weather is warmer and the fires might almost be gone for the season. looks like it will rain today, 6.30 a.m. and very black to the west. Now you can rest, have that glass of wine, and be ready for the F word. And it will be FROST, not anything else!!!

  4. Just think how cosy it will be sitting in front of the fire.

  5. Wood fuel, as they say, warms you twice.

  6. The cats seem to enjoy your company!


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