
Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Trailcam tails, et al

Butch Raccoon, and then Daisy at 34 seconds in. What a cat. Another raccoons was under the leaves for some reason.

Trailcam tails from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Whilst watching the eclipse, Annie found a tree frog. I don't know what it was doing sitting on the chair, but it did get away.

Then, the cupboard, outdoors, which holds my goldfish pond equipment. Apparently, someone tried to move in. Sadly, there is a wasp nest in the opposite corner, so I couldn't manage too well. I think mousie is gone, I'll deal with the wasps later!

The katydid was atop a new plant. I think it is Veronica. It has yet to flower.

This plane has been coming and going, it says 'survey' on it, so I hope that's what it is doing! Back and forth, back and forth!
survey plane from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


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