
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Monarchs, phoebe, hummers, bear, our backyard tails

I still have a ton of photos I must post for our South Wind Brigade, but I realized that they are still paddling until Canada Day (July 1st) and they will want to see themselves when they get home! More on them later.

These photos of my hummer aren't incredible shots, but merely evidence!

You may think me peculiar, but I put out a hummingbird feeder, despite a bear in the area.  Yes, despite seeing Junior Bear on the trailcam June 21st, and June 24th (I'm tracking him here,). I think he has the idea. Lower meadow OK, backyard: a crazy woman will yell, honk that marine horn, and growl at me! I took a risk putting up the hummer feeder. I'll keep you posted.
June 21st
Bear June 24 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Finally, after three years, I spotted TWO monarchs.

The phoebes are the energizer bunnies. They are still in the shed, and have laid four more eggs for another brood! I escorted cats away. Although, momma robin is my canary in the mine. I hear her and know I have to call a cat. They still share the shed.


  1. I haven't seen many hummingbirds here this year, although my feeder is out. Neat pictures!

  2. Hari OM
    My fave today? Monarch b'flies!!! I had commented to the Macs whilst away that flutteries were something I had not seen much of at all in the three years since my return to country; then one turned up at Skelbo. Just one, but oh how purrty... (too fast for Fudge though...) YAM xx

  3. You have lots of interesting things to report on.

  4. The hummers are a welcome sight.

  5. cool video of the bear!! and beautiful captures of the monarchs, they are such a pretty butterfly, a little bit common around these parts!!

  6. Those monarchs are simply amazing ...

    All the best Jan


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