
Friday 16 June 2017

Junior Bear is back

I have a lot of photos to show. Instead, we had a surprise last night. We haven't seen bear in awhile. I'm going to track it here, to see if there is a pattern. Surprisingly, June 13th, 7:30 p.m. – on the trailcam, down in the meadow. He's a 'normal' bear, I can still scare him away.

June 15th, beary busy day

We'd eaten dinner, were watching a UK DVD mystery, when it sauntered by on the driveway, coming towards the house. It was 6:06 p.m. Beyond the driveway, where he's headed, is a path down to the meadow, with a thick forest straight ahead.

Bear Video 6 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

It's going in circles!
It's back, again. It was 6:21 p.m., I went out and growled at it, while directing hubby to grab the pot.

It saw us and ran. That's a good sign!

Then, 6:23, back again. We just watched it for a minute. I think it might remember where the seed feeder was, and I wondered if it had to figure out the seed was gone. SIGH.
Bear June 15th from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. i am sooooo sorry that i loved the video's. that's how i sounded trying to get rid of our raccoon last night, he just looked at me like i was crazy, then started to climb on the house. your yard looks so beautiful right now!!!

  2. Good sign for all involved that it ran away, but what a privilege to be able to see and record it.

  3. I like your pictures and videos with the bear. However, be on the alert! Even a harmless animal gets wild and violent sometimes. Just like us, people.

  4. I know they are bad to have around your home but I just love these cute bears. Loved the photos and video. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  5. It might have to learn on its own that the seed is gone.

  6. Hari Om
    Such a joy to see - but definitely on much to close territory! YAM xx

  7. Is he determined, hungry or just plain lonely? Can he be re-homed to another area? Maybe you need a shrill whistle, a loud speaker system, or can JB get out there and do the run and chase? While you do the video, of course!!! Love the videos.

  8. He's hungry, Jean. The berries aren't out, yet, and insects are his food. He's just looking for food, and he seems to know we don't have any. He's doing a run around as he is avoiding the wetland, which is very wet!

  9. William, we were thinking that, but he didn't approach the house on his run-by later. (Yes, he came back!)

  10. Hello, poor bear must be hungry. Great photos. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and weekend!

  11. É um animal perigoso, mas é tão lindo! Adorei ver as fotos e especialmente o vídeo. Muito bom Jenn!

  12. That is just amazing, its hard to imagin when like me you live in a country without bears, that you can actually get them in your grounds.
    All the best Gordon.


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