
Saturday 24 June 2017

Busy backyard: sparrow, waxwing, doves!

An update on the white pine tree!

The chipping sparrows have fledged!
chipping sparrow fledged from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I've had a bit of a struggle: I found another poison ivy patch, right around the tree house, under one of our massive pine trees.

The yard is so busy. The pine tree nearest the house is amazing, as well as sheltering the poison ivy. As hubby says, a condo!
This tree has a tree house built into it. The girls are nearly too old for it, but Izzy still enjoys it. The cats like the tree house, as well. My faithful readers will remember the time the phoebe built a nest in it. Phoebe update - still going strong in the tree house What a time I had.

On the lowest limb, a mourning dove is nesting. It's mate goes up with food every so often. Just above her is a pair of chipping sparrows, doing the same thing. At the very top, I can hear baby cedar waxwings. Yes, I know it's a pine tree, but it seems to do the job!

Junior bear posed under said tree last week.

It's a fabulous yard! The nesting pine on the left. The girls' invisible friend, Nebuchadnezzar on the right, me doing the lawn.

Then there was the rainbow!


  1. This was lovely to read. Your yard is bursting with life! I honestly don't know if I would recognize poison ivy. I've heard the "leaves of three, let it be" rhyme, but there are a lot of three leaved plants out there! -Jenn

  2. The pictures of the rainbow, the solitary birds and the black bear are awsome!
    As for your allergy on arms and legs, the ointment will hopefully do the job, but take care; not all plants in nature are innocent. I was once 'attacked' by a plant which was in a big pot at the cemetery. My skirt touched it when passing, it opened up and threw needles at my legs. It was pure hell.

  3. You sure have a lot of stuff going on there. I am sad to learn that the young Barred Owl didn't make it.

  4. Hello, you do have a great yard for the wildlife. I would love to see the bear. The Waxwings are beautiful birds. I would have to stay clear of the poison ivy, yuck! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Since the cats still enjoy the tree house, there it stays!

    I've never had a poison ivy incident.

  6. Steer clear!!! Love the shot of you on the ride-on, and the pine tree, what a beauty.

  7. Wonderful variety of photos ~ the bear is amazing ~ love the cats, birds, rainbow shot ` all wonderful shots ~ thanks, ^_^

  8. Hari OM
    such abundance - even of the bad stuff... I adore your 'magical' image!!! YAM xx

  9. Hi Jenn, oh that ivy sounds bad - hope the ointment helps.
    Beaut to read about all the goings on with animals in your area - such an amazing lot of them! Take care and cheerio for now :D)

  10. Poison ivy sits there very quietly and we don't notice it. Poison ivy is very rare here.

  11. Oh yes, my old enemy poisin Ivy. I had a very bad case of it years ago. Looked like third degree burns on my face and arms. My doctor gave me some pills that subsided the maddening itch.

  12. Sorry you're suffering with the poison ivy.

  13. Wow, there is a lot going on in your backyard.
    Loved all your photo's.

    All the best Jan

  14. Just popped back to say sorry about the poison ivy, hope you are healing, and the ointment is doing its stuff!

    All the best Jan

  15. Hello!:) Lovely post, with so much to see in your back yard. I was so surprised to see a bear,... aren't they dangerously near your home?
    Loved your Waxwing shot,... such pretty birds.


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