
Friday 28 October 2016

Winter approaches...

We're keeping the bird feeder filled! Suddenly, we had a purple finch, as well as numerous juncos.

The cold nights made the catalpa just dump their leaves. Daisy and I had projects: putting away lawn ornaments and emptying the water barrel. Next, she took off while I used the lawn tractor to mulch the leaves. Daisy disappeared.

That done, off for walkies and some owl hunting.
Down in the meadow, I spotted something in the tree. Turns out, only a piece of branch. I got so excited, I thought it was an owl.

As I walked the snow began to fall. I found another tree: a birch growing up into the middle of the cedars.

This is my favourite part of our forest: the cedars line a path.

And the snow began! They say it won't last, but we shall see...


  1. A snow day for us on Thursday too, just the odd bit left today, which will be gone by the weekend. Just Nature letting us know what is to come :)

  2. We had such a warm and beautiful autumn that this winterish weather seemed to sneak up on me. It happens every year and I am still surprised.

  3. And the beautiful fall lulled me into delaying my trip to Florida.

  4. I went for a little after-snow walk downtown this morning. Maybe I should post those pics.

  5. The snow was still on the ground this morning, but I imagine by day's end, that'll be it. It was a delightful sight to see!

  6. Juncos come in just before any dirty weather.

  7. May you and Daisy have an easy beautiful winter, Jenn

  8. Maybe I need to look for a different kind of bird feeder. Rain water soaked the seeds in the tray and the water wicked up into the container. Then the seeds sprouted and clogged up the works. I tried to make a modification to increase the size of the lid, but wind blown rain is hard to counteract. - Margy

  9. This brings back such memories. I loved walking through fall leaves.


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