
Saturday, 9 June 2012

Faery Fest in Perth, Ontario

Here is Cheryl, all dressed up!
Cheryl, Faerie Ce Ce

Which gramma doesn't like faeries?! We went to the festival, just for fun.

Faery Fest was a fabulous event. Lots of people visited. A local woman held another Faery Fest. Much fun for the kids!
I met my daughter's grade 1 teacher there, with her 3 granddaughters. It was held at Perth Civitan Hall, on Highway #43.
Cheryl, AKA Faerie Ce Ce, does Faery Workshops in and around Perth.

Faery merchandise, authors, artists, vendors, face painting, hair feathers, henna tattoos, oracle readers, faeryland craft zone, jewellery, bean readings, healing treatment sessions, Reiki, natural body and health products.

From Faery Fest in Perth, Ontario

From Faery Fest in Perth, Ontario

From Faery Fest in Perth, Ontario


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