

Monday, 4 June 2012

Another mystery creature: moth or butterfly?

For this one I've turned to Butterflies and Moths of North America. They figured it out for me!
Imperial Moth
Eacles imperialis
Thank you again for your submission of Record 715118 to the Butterflies and Moths of North America database on June 4, 2012.

Your sighting has been accepted, and your regional coordinator has verified your submission as Eacles imperialis. Your sighting is now represented on the map on the species page. The sighting details page is available here.
More info:

Mike wrote: "Wow - great shot! This is an Imperial Moth: a type of giant silkworm moth (so related to Lunas). We found an I.M. caterpillar in the park last summer - hard to identify as they come in a variety of colours!
These moths are attracted to artificial lights, and tend to hang out around them a little too long, getting picked off by birds in the daytime."

The bird feeder is near-by, and hopefully the birds will eat the seeds or our bazillion mosquitoes.
It didn't seem too bothered by me, as I turned somersaults to get a photo!

Web Sites for moth and (Moths of Ottawa as photographed by Lynn Scott)
Toronto Entomological Association,


  1. it is really beautiful, whatever it is.

  2. It is a beauty, and HUGE, TexWisGirl!
    That's my thumb in the photo!

  3. Great shot and you learned something and taught the rest of us.
    Is there a site for butterflies and moths such as the Cornell site for birds?

  4. That is a beauty! Great capture!

  5. what a beauty. congrats

    Enjoy your week!
    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  6. The site is fabulous. They confirmed its name for me!


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