
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Yard work - we've been busy!

Lots of volunteers
Lots of saplings for sale
Yes, I went to the Perth Civitan Club, to pick up my EcoPerth order of 30 saplings. Total cost: $67! 

pretty little saplings, loose for sale

My package of 30!

Duly planted, with lovely black earth.

Progress is being made. Most of these are elm trees,
I'm trying to plant some smaller saplings,
as well as transplanting some trees.

Despite the cost, it is a good adventure, good physiotherapy.

My new, wee garden. Saplings in foreground and background.
The large trees are elms slowly dying from Dutch Elm Disease.
On the right is a Hawthorn I transplanted from deep in the forest. 

Of course, Buster, my helper

Short attention span, mind you!

I'm hauling it with my tractor. Lessens the load!

Hubby decided to paint the picket fence 
~around the veggie garden.
sander helps!
I ordered some earth, anticipating my plantings.
There goes this month's pension!
Background of photo: This is Oliver's Lot!
Buster and Felix, as well as the hawk,
are hunting rabbit and other critters in there.
At the other side: a strange man.
The rest of the soil I'll put in the garden.
Next month is Perth's Art in the Garden event. Lots going on!
Herb garden: oregano has self-seeded, and spreading around the garden.
Back to my work, I took a break from shovelling to rake out the herb garden, chives, parsley, etc. On my hands and knees. Good to stretch out!

 Lo, and behold, I found chives. Who knew? Back to work...


  1. You are such a busy lady! Hope the trees do well!

  2. Now you've given you self a ton of work. I bet it will look great .

  3. Thanks, Linda. Their tiny leaf buds are swelling. I am hopeful.
    Yes, Red! It's better than going to the gym, or the psychiatrist. Gardening has many benefits!
    Such a reward: no backtalk, just nurturing, and caring for living things.


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