
Sunday, 27 May 2012

The water is a buzzing hive of activity

Dusty roads, we need rain!
We went for a drive. A hot day, the road was dusty.
We were told about this spot by a professional photographer we met while photographing the Owl nest across the street.
She suggested we could go here, on Code Drive, to see some great birds.

She was so right!
Here is a closer look!

At the water's edge, I spotted a Great Blue Heron.

Can you see her?

I love these lilies

Nuphar lutea (Yellow Water-lily)

Looking more closely, I spotted a large dragonfly on a lily pad.

This is the wee lake that drains into the culvert.

one lone goose

Breeze blows

Red-winged Blackbird

Busy beaver

In the water, near a small dam, I found a story.
The geese have their young to protect. The muskrat was giving them a hard time, like a mosquito that won't go away!

They eat mostly vegetation, but they will eat small animals like mussels, frogs, crayfish, and the like. Papa Goose wasn't taking any chances!
He hissed as Muskrat went by. He was watching the mallards closely, too.

A pair of mallards cruise by.
See papa goose on the left,
glaring intently!

Geese watch them like hawks!

He hisses at the Muskrat just beside him

Muskrat wisely swam by!
Papa looks pleased...

Aren't they fuzzy?
This one was at our feeder, then I spotted one at the water.
Sweet markings!

Working on IDing this one!

A new bird for me!
Standing on the road...
 It was a great drive home, too. Lots to see and  photograph.


  1. Amazing to see the bittern standing on the road in classic camouflage position. That's an awesome shot.

  2. What a lovely outing. I enjoyed all the photos of the birds and the water. Is your new bird a Bittern, great sighting and Congrats on your lifer.

  3. Oh, wow, beavers and other workhorses, and Papa Goose giving everyone a piece of his mind. The goslings are adorable. I don't know if I've ever seen a muskrat, and I've never seen a beaver very close.

  4. Loved these photos! I don't know what the new bird is...I am really bad at identifying them - just like to look at them!


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