
Monday, 21 May 2012

Birding at 6am - sights and sounds

I had such fun tromping around the bush at 6 am. Lots of sights and beautiful sounds.
I will save you the trip out, if you'd like to listen to the beautiful songs and avoid the bugs.
Being out that early is ear candy, and darn good exercise!

I divided up my raw video into several parts. Whilst standing in the meadow, though, you can hear the birds on the lake. The lake was still and calm. A muskrat seemed curious and followed us along the shore!

I will leave IDing them to the pros. The songs are glorious, in our three locations.
This is a follow-up post to our Murphy's Point Park bird count!


  1. You got some marvelous video! The lake was incredibly smooth and calm...beautiful reflections. And the birds songs were magnificent! Thoroughly enjoyable trip with you, and no bugs!

  2. I've never been much of a morning person. That's one reason I like waking up at the cabin. I can listen and then go back to sleep. Oh, lazy me. - Margy


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