
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Not in My Father's Footsteps

Not in My Father's Footsteps. 


Terrence Rundle West

My publisher gave me a copy of this book. In this era of the 'Occupy' movement, it gives one perspective.

It is very well-written. It isn't his first book, and likely won't be his last! An excellent read. I do not understand war, had never truly read about this war in Italy, but this book brings it to life. I didn't enjoy Run of the Town, a series of short stories, but I am not a short story reader.

They were hard days in Canada, during The Depression. This is a fascinating stories about travelling the rails during that era. Especially poignant what with the downturn of the 2008 economy.

It’s the 1930s. In Montreal, tensions are running high. French vs. English. Jew vs. Christian. Have vs. have-not. The city is swirling with unrest. From Outremont to St. Urbain Street, people are struggling to lift off the yoke of strife and despair caused by the most devastating economic depression the world has ever experienced. For young, single men with no jobs, the only option is to ride the rails. Perhaps go to Vancouver. Or maybe Spain, to fight the fascists. What have they got to lose?

Terrence Rundle West Book Launch - Not In My Father's Footsteps ... Dec 2011 - 2 min - Uploaded by aroesler1
Terry West and his daughter Virginia lead the attendees of the launch of his new novel, Not In My Father's Footsteps.

Run of the Town (Short Story Collection - fiction)


The two pictures on the jacket of Run of the Town - a little boy playing hockey on a street (front cover) and a young adult holding a stubby beer (back cover) - represent R.J. Martin and the twenty-year time frame in which the 17 short-stories take place. It’s 1940-65 and R.J. happens to be growing up in Hearst, Northern Ontario, although it could be any of hundreds of small communities across the country.

Canada in the mid-twentieth century was neither better nor worse than the Canada of today. But it certainly was different - mothers stayed home, few people had cars, radio was king, a holiday meant a couple of weeks at the lake, childhood diseases could be fatal, teachers gave the strap, condoms were hard to obtain (only at the local poolroom in Hearst, because the druggist was Catholic). It was a time when families were large and kids expected to do chores. Children were loved but unencumbered by parents micro-managing their lives or hovering over them every minute of their waking day. Result? Kids had the run of the town. In short, it was as golden age for growing up.

Terrence Rundle West was raised in Hearst, Ontario, and studied at Carleton University and the University of British Columbia. His collection of short stories, Run of the Town (GSPH), won the 2007 Northern "Lit" Award. EBook formats available: Kindle | Kobo | Nook

My publisher has gotten into e-books. I have not made that choice, as I don't think I can afford another outlay of money.
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@Barrie Summy


  1. As hard as they are to read sometimes, I really am starting to prefer books that give us a slice of history and the feelings of the people that lived it...rather than fiction. It is too easy to escape into fiction and not face the cold hard truths of life.

  2. That was a nice and wise comment by Linda above me. This makes us think about the hard times they had back then. Well done.

  3. One term caught my were not micro managed. I see that as such a problem today. Kids miss so much by not being allowed to try things and fail. Usually kids are smart enough o self correct before calamity happens and that's when they learn. Sounds like a very good book.

  4. I think I would really enjoy the first book. Thanks for stopping by.


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