
Sunday, 1 April 2012

Happy birthday Buster & Felix

My 2nd hand store buy, with beeswax candles!
It wasn't my idea! I've created enough birthday parties over the years, between three children and many, many students in my classrooms.

But hubby decided we would have a Skype party for my boys. Twin cats, adopted when they were young.

It started well, with the Skype hook-up working perfectly.
You can see Caitlin, and her girls in the photo.

I lit my 2nd hand store candles. They were $1.

Sir John and Muffin Muncher wore their hats.
Sir John looked good in his birthday hat,
sitting in Isabelle's highchair.
He has a 1st birthday napkin, too! 

Seriously. They didn't fit us!

The glitch?
Felix was nowhere to be found.
Later, after the brief party, we spotted him across the highway where the grass is always greener. Sigh.
He, like Oliver, may not be long for this world.

Buster wouldn't help me blow it out!
The cake went over very well. A can of special cat food, with a beeswax candle in it.
Goldfish: Shirley 2 and Calico, were happy.
Buster didn't seem to like the hat too much.

Muffin Muncher read the card,
examined one of the birthday presents:
catnip mice for all.


  1. All the usual suspects present and accounted for. I love Muffin Muncher. Happy Birthday Felix!

  2. Cute birthday all the festivities!

  3. Lots of fun even if Felix had different ideas. - Margy

  4. Thanks for making me smile. :))

  5. Sadly, Felix crossed the highway one too many times in August, 2011.


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