
Saturday, 28 April 2012

Birds, buds, bugs, bunnies, blooms

I'm faster than you are!
You takin' my photo?
Got a better peanut
These are all photos from this month, April. I cannot believe how warm we have been. It has turned cold and my feathered friends and flowers seem to be surviving.
Horse chestnut, buds just bursting,
practically drip sap

While there are many places to view live webcams, I enjoy trying to capture these critters with my amateur camera! Thank you for visiting!
female purple finch

one bleeding heart has bloomed
Foreground: trillium

trout lily (yellow)
Dutchman's breeches

phoebe on sap line


Purple finch & junco


Goldfinches turn to olive in winter. Spring is here, and they are like yellow flowers, that gather in our trees nibbling on buds.
Four of them in my cherry tree

two boys - amongst lilac leaves and buds!

a boy and girl!

white crowned sparrow
cotton tail bunny -  AKA -Labbit!

lilac buds!
This bug
sat on the wall!

cabbage moth on violets
wasp on wall!
Camera Critters Meme post #212


  1. What an incredible, wonderful array of images. But one in particular stands out for me...I've never in my life seen an 'all white' bleeding heart! That is amazing.

    My Photo Post today is: BUTTERFLY HOUSE Textures

  2. such a special look at Spring all the things I miss Sandy

  3. What a great collage of springtime photos! Just fabulous (minus the bugs) Ha!

  4. Beautiful captures.

    My Critter please come and see when you have time. Have a safe and happy weekend!

  5. You don't need to make apologies for these photos. Spring migration is an interesting time. I saw the fist Junco today!

  6. Lovely shots! It's finally looking like spring!

  7. I see that you love all your garden-visitors. Spring is such a wonderful time and you captured all well!


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