
Saturday, 3 March 2012

White-tailed deer – I've lost count!

We counted 19 in this photo, last night there were 20, altogether.

Now, we aren't professional trackers, but it would be interesting to follow them!

We know that they winter together, in 'winter yards', but once summer comes, they spread out in the forest and we seldom see them.

Lots of moose and deer across highway 60
through Algonquin Park

I love watching our deer. They are tricky to photograph.
Tigger last summer!

This is why they call them 'white-tails'
There is a researcher, Ph.D candidate Keith Munro, tracking deer in the Marlborough Forest. You can find this forest just west of North Gower, near Paden Rd.north of Merrickville

Keith Munro  You can follow him on Twitter: @thedeerproject

I'm a PhD candidate at Trent University. I am capturing and collaring white-tailed deer to study their biology, behaviour and response to humans.
Peterborough/Kemptville, ON

He's made the CBC news!
Deer tracked with GPS in Ontario study
... Natural Resources and Trent University are in Eastern Ontario tracking deer in ... them away from roads and drop deer/vehicle collision rates," he said.

I think it a good idea. He plans on tracking deer using GPS collars. I have written about the high collision rates in near-by Mississippi Mills. It is peculiar how some spots are worse than others.
Nap time, mommy?
I hope that tracking the deer doesn't change them. Ours are so easily spooked. The cats, or turkeys make them run, and they spook easily. Watching the captures on the CBC video makes me feel for the deer.

Ours are easily spooked.
Todays high winds, 60 - 90 km gusts, have the deer quite petrified. They bolt when the gusts come through.
A bird can startle them, when mourning doves flap about and flutter, too!
What you want, woman?

Hey, you!

I love the turkey's colours!

They look upset by the turkeys!
Camera Critters #204!


  1. It seems there are too many to count!

  2. Beautiful photos! Love the Merrickville landscape too

  3. So many deer! Such lovely shots.

  4. such beauties! and a lot of them! wow! i'm jealous of the turkey presence, as well!

  5. I can't get over it! Turkey and deer just meandering about. Wow! This is so amazing.

  6. So Much fun watching them at times.....I haven't even been out to photograph them this year at our deer feeding yard.....But winter is not over yet!!!!!

    Love your shot od the Twins!!!!!!

  7. Wonderful photos, Jenn, and I loved the video. I think the deer must have looked like mice to Felix from that distance, though. LOL
    I thought our deer here were whitetail, but it turns out they're called "mule deer" because of their large ears. I haven't bothered to look them up. Okay, I looked, and we do have whitetail deer in Alberta, but the websites that came up in response to my search were full of hunters showing off dead deer by picking them up by the antlers and it turned my stomach.
    I did find a site explaining the difference between mule deer and whitetail, however.

  8. Beautiful animal.

    Regards and best wishes

  9. Beautiful series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. Wow.

    It's a beautiful world...


  11. I repeat my usual refrain - I am so jealous of your backyard! These photos are wonderful...the deer leaping is priceless!

  12. Really cool shots! Love the color in the turkey plumage, too!

  13. Great shots of the deer in snow.

  14. The deer are beautiful to see. Turkeys too? How great is that?
    I love your black cat in the snow header.

  15. These deer look in amazingly good condition for late winter. Great photos too!

  16. Truly, we've had such a light winter, there has been much food for the deer, Red!

  17. I just love all those deer and the turkeys. You are seeing some wonderful wildlife there. My kind of place, thanks for sharing your critters. Happy Sunday!


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