
Sunday, 4 March 2012

Post windstorm walkabout

I'll have to drag this one down!
Nary a new tree down. We escaped unscathed! Only a few large branches.

I won't walk under this one soon!

This one fell over in May, 2011 in a big storm.
The other branches were dead and I took them down last year
to make a walking path.

Standing tall like little soldiers

The wetland looks fine!
I love these cedars, all standing!

A little bit of the bog has melted
 at the edge of the forest.

This is an amazing pine.

Here is the other side of it.
It lost this branch last year, as well.

The front yard was unscathed.
One small branch was broken off in the March 3rd winds.

Look what the wind blew in!
A little leaf soldier, standing at attention.


  1. cute little robin. :) just bringing in some springtime.

  2. As always, I enjoy your photos of your "wilderness"! Have a great Sunday!

  3. Oh, a robin, how lovely, all fluffed up and fat-looking. I'm so glad the storm didn't do any dreadful damage out your way, Jenn.
    Love your photos.

  4. Glad you didn't have much storm damage. I didn't realize that Ont had a wind storm.
    Robins are never very far away so they show up quickly.

  5. I saw that the storm was going to hit you! Glad you are safe. Nice walk about for me sitting in my soft chair. Love the robin waiting for you to find him!

  6. We saw lots of robins on our trip to Eastern Washington this weekend. I do love to see them. Spring isn't far behind. - Margy


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