
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Ottawa's Peace Tower Carillon Honours Juno Nominees

It's been many years since I visited the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill. I have been downtown in awhile. But here is an old photo of mine from my dear, old camera that did panoramic shots!

Parliament Hill is located in Ottawa, Canada. At the top is a flag, which my daughter raised one day during a co-op work placement for her M.Sc., must have been fun, if tiring to go up 7 flights!

Famous Five: honouring women in parliament
Parliament Hill has some fabulous sights to see, as with any capital city.

Normally, the Peace Tower Carillon automatically plays Westminster Bells, that traditional quarter-hour, on-the-hour song. Our wee mantel clock, inherited from my mom, plays this. (When I remember to wind it!)
Many tourists!
My favourite things to visit are the Famous Five Statues.
This quarter hour bells are built into the system here in Ottawa, but we have a live concert at 12:15, September to June. In July and August (tourist time!) there is a full-hour concert.

You can view the ©photos of the past and present carillonneurs here. The current Dominion Carillonneur is  Dr. Andrea McCrady.

The Flemish got tired of the usual playing of Westminster Bells, and in 1500 they began to produce real music, and hire real musicians!

Our Canadian Peace Tower bells have hammers, you can see Westminster Abbey's pulls below.
You can view a video of Westminster itself here!


Westminster Chime - On the hour 5.00PM

Westminster Chimes - on the hour You can ring this on 6 bells or 8 bells The notes are: (Letters) (on 6 bells) (on 8 bells) FAG c 3 1 2 6 5 3 4 8 ...

In the meantime, what has been fun is that Dr. McCrady has been called up to play some modern tunes. This requires some modification and rewriting to adapt the pieces for the bells. Another bit of advertising for the Canadian Juno Awards, hosted by the infamous Canadian William Shatner. His self-deprecating humour might make this night fly. We'll see!

Fri Sept 16,  MERA fundraiser,
St. Paul's United Church

Perth ON
Our Lanark County musician, David Francey's album Late Edition, is nominated for Roots and Traditional Album (solo) of the year. I caught him playing in town last year. I saw him at a MERA fundraiser September, 2011. His faithful fan, and partner, Beth Girder in attendance. I asked her to sign his CD, too!

Carillon ConcertsDate:

March 26, 28 and 30 Time: 12pm – 12 :15pm
Location: Parliament Hill Description: During JUNO Week, selections of JUNO- nominated music will be played on the Peace Tower Carillon by Dominion Carillonneur, Dr. Andrea McCrady.

 Line-up during the noon recitals:

  • “Grateful”, by David Francey — Monday, 26 March 
  • “C’est un monde”, by Fred Pellerin —Wednesday, 28 March 
  • “Sepia Fragments”, by Derek Charke – Friday, 30 March 


  1. What a wonderful thing these carillon towers are! I posted about one recently in Florida...I love them! And the concerts are fabulous!

  2. Now I have to find a local Carillon concert..Thank goodness for Google

  3. I've visited parliament and the tower only once in my life. It was an unforgettable experience. I had seen pictures all my life and the see things in reality was a treat. So thanks for the description and the memories.

  4. I can almost hear those beautiful bells!


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