
Monday, 12 March 2012

Canada Geese Appear!

Spring is coming! As we knew it would.

I was out watching the deer – when I heard a familiar sound!


  1. Nice to see them arriving! I guess it's time to take the snow tires off!

  2. You must have geese there all winter where you have open water. We have geese on the Red Deer river where it stays open all winter.

  3. Lovely sight of the geese coming back!
    Welcome! Welcome!

  4. Sure you knew! But isn't it nice to see the proof.

  5. This might be a repeat. My computer is giving me fits. I enjoyed the video -- and sure, you knew spring was coming -- but isn't it nice to have the proof

  6. Our Canada geese never leave here! They are pretty to see, but they leave a mess everywhere they go! Glad spring is on the way...I am SO ready!

  7. I wonder what I will find when I get to go home next week. It's my week off from care giving. Are you still doing hospice work? - Margy

  8. We get pretty frozen here in Ottawa, and for the most part we freeze over. Like the season changes, I love the ebb and flow of the bird populations.
    They snowmobile on our lakes, and our small rivers freeze over.
    @Margy, Yes, I'm still doing hospice work! Took a break with the bronchitis/norovirus thing! But back to it this week. Good for you for taking a break!

    Yes, @Christine, forgot about snow tires...sigh. We need new summer tires, too. THere goes the family fortune!


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