
Monday, 27 February 2012

Today was a day that was a gift!

Outside we went, my twins are such a pair. Cooped up after a 15 cm snowstorm, I figured walkies would be a good idea.
They keep bothering their big sister, and roaring from room to room.

Up to their armpits in some spots, they are brave wee souls.
Felix follows me, Buster follows Felix.
Felix turns around to see if Buster is on his way. Buster veered off to check out the bird feeder first.

 I cleaned off my benches, and they liked that! Then off we went to follow the deer path.
Tree climbing is part of the plan. Nothing like getting up out of that snow!

 They were very happy to climb the hill up from the meadow, to make it home safely.

I wasn't too winded, after a bout with bronchitis.
Glad to get some fresh, damp air.
Glad for my Rx.

The cleared sidewalk was sheer bliss! Both boys rolled around in the sun, happy to be back safely.

Oh, yes. It was a great day to fly, too!

Felix has a moment in thought.

Felix likes my chair.
A gift to myself after my Dad's estate was settled.
They are terrible for going down the driveway and on the road.  I ran up the drive, and they both ran with me!
Can you count them?
I count 4!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the deer appear.


  1. Thanks for the journey I could take with you through the snow without getting cold and my feet wet! Glad you are feeling better. Today I am under the weather, so headed out to see the local shaman for something to help! Have a blessed day - I adore the view from your home!

  2. Are the "breakups" on the lakes going to come early this year?

  3. We could use a little of that snow down here in New York...but as I said today in my blog, be careful what you wish for.

    I have follow your learned advice on my haiku and dropping articles right and left! Seems to feel right. Thanks for the help.

    Your "animal" friends are amazing...gin

  4. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day. Your kitties look like they're having a great time.


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