
Friday, 10 February 2012

Stand-off in the South March Highlands!

From a twitter post: in the South March Highlands. Looks like beaver and otters!
That's amazing! Beaver & otter  It's a High Noon standoff in the South March Highlands! (pic Chris B.)
It's a High Noon standoff in the South March Highlands! ... on Twitpic
The South March Highlands Carp River Conservation Inc. (SMH-CRC) and the Coalition to Protect the South March Highlands are groups of concerned citizens and organizations voicing their concerns about development in Ottawa who are working furiously to save this important old-growth forest. We want to live in a City that values its wild places and green spaces. We have in Ottawa a mini-Algonquin Park, right in the city. And if all goes according to the current plan, it is going to be clear-cut and blasted to bits, and turned into roads and subdivisions.

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