
Sunday, 5 February 2012

Ottawa region talking about wider no smoking by-laws

Isabelle tries to understand the water
I'm all for it.

Smoke free Public health wants areas affected by bylaw expanded

... The city's public health officials want to bar smoking in outdoor bar and restaurant patios, parks, beaches, sports fields and even vendor stands in the ByWard and Parkdale markets...

No smoking at Ottawa’s outdoor patios, parks, beaches, sports fields, public health recommends

Ottawa would be a healthier place if smoking is banned at outdoor bar and restaurant...between smoke-free regulations and reduced smoking rates and exposure to second-hand smoke, as well as increased attempts to quit smoking.Public consultations found there is...

Sitting at outdoor restaurants in Ottawa can be awful.
A trip to an outdoor eating spot can be smokey and irritating–aside from people yelling into cell phones!

A trip to the beach with the kids was great last summer. Terrific to look back on it! But memories of smokers spoiled the visit. Breezes caused smoke to drift. Cigarette butts in the sand, floating on the water.

Josephine in bliss!
A wonderful place for kids and families

We were glad to see the police there.
There are people who abuse alcohol, drive drunk.
Police patrol for alcohol
The horror was a pregnant woman smoking, while playing with a child in the water.
Yes, she is smoking IN the water.
Yes, she was pregnant and had a child with her.


  1. We were walking in the gardens of the Biltmore Estate a couple of weeks ago when a smoker passed us. That is rare enough now that we both remarked on how horrible the smoke smelled.

  2. Our local city banned smoking in bars and restaurants - everyone was so worried they would lose business from people who wouldn't come if they could't smoke...of course, it was a fruitless worry. People still wat to eat, drink and be merry...they just have to go outside to smoke now! I am now waiting for them to ban smoking in public period! Thanks for the updates from afar! I always enjoy hearing what's going on in your world.

  3. The city of Denver has a ban on smoking within 15' of an eatery or coffee house/patio. It's nice to enjoy food in a smoke-free environment. Actually, I think maybe all public indoor spaces are smoke-free.

  4. Surprised that smoking is allowed in so may areas there. No smoking on outdoors patios here.
    I would also like to see less alcohol in some of these public areas. It bothers me the amount of alcohol served at hockey games and concert venues. I'm not a non drinker or some prude. I just think the alcohol consumption is not necessary at some of these places.

  5. interesting about no smoking outdoors! a good thing!


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