
Saturday, 11 February 2012

EQAO testing in Ontario

EQAO Testing

Kill full-day kindergarten, Drummond report 
This article suggests Drummond will say to cut Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) testing, which costs millions. I agree.
outdoor play
(Even though Don Drummond is a former TD bank economist, when it comes to education, and Ontario's $16-billion deficit, he may not know how right he is!)
free painting
Having worked on the first grade 6 EQAO Math tests, marking the pilot tests, I find that there is no advantage to children or parents in publicly advertising EQAO scores. There is no advantage in determining provincial scores and comparing students from a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnic groups, new Canadians, the learning disabled, by scores. Theoretically, each school takes their reports and comes up with 'new' strategies for improving scores. This in an era of cutbacks, lower school populations, and public schools funded on a per student basis.

water play

EQAO Testing: What is it?
30 Apr 2010 – EQAO stands for Education Quality and Accountability Office. It is the provincial agency that designs and tests Grade 3 and Grade 6 students

Getting rid of EQAO testing

Any feelings about doing away with EQAO? This has become a monster tail wagging the dog of education. If the Ministry is looking to save money (given these lean days) then eliminating EQAO would be a good place to start. View the full discussion.

making play choices

the SK classroom - too busy for ADHD kids


  1. Add to your list of criticisms that the tests can be manipulated by statistics to show anything despite you working on the development of the tests. The people who received the most benefit were people like yourself who worked on test development. How do I know this? I also worked on test development.

  2. Love the photos of the kids!


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