
Monday, 20 February 2012

Bronchitis, sunshine, dear friends

JB & Sadie do red squirrel patrol!
It's been glorious weather.
With the sun's rays warming the earth, nighttime temperatures of -10 C. rise to more tolerable 5+ or so. The snow is melting where the heat shines under the trees.

Under the pine trees are circles of brown pine needles, where cats and deer sit in the sun.

Wildlife is busy, seeking warmth and food.
Most of us are conquering winter colds, anticipating March melts, syrup season, and the promise of spring.
Not me.
Despite wetland walks, and snowshoeing tracking my forest friends, I contracted a cold. In the old days, teaching, I was exposed to every germ going. JK kids shared Chicken Pox, kids with whooping cough, sent to school, shared, too. We had flu bugs that kept 30% of the school population home during its peak!

Warmth of the sun melts the snow
After a night of coughing, prefaced by three days of same, I decided it was time for the emergency department.

I popped out of bed at 6:41 a.m., got ready to go, and woke hubby to tell him. He INSISTED on coming along, which is what I counsel all my clients, but I knew it was only bronchitis or somesuch. That said, he brewed us a coffee, not good to have a caffeine fit in the ER waiting room early in the morning.

Off we went, and made it in for 7:17 a.m., first ones in after the 7 a.m. shift change, which I have found works best. We were the first registered and sitting in the waiting room. There were 3 more patients after me. I got to sit there with my Typhoid Mary face mask, which I gladly put on even before they asked. I believe in keeping germs to myself.

No money was exchanged. I gave them my OHIP card and my blue hospital card. This is a great country. God bless Tommy Douglas and his notion of medicare.

I have visited our ER before, most times I visit when I cannot see my GP. Sunday morning was one of those mornings.
It was very quiet. Delightfully so.

 No blood and bleeding-down-the-arm contractors, as it was Sunday! (I'm not good with blood!)

I was home free by 8:24, with a prescription being prepared.

Hubby took off to get my drugs. Hooray for antibiotics.

In the afternoon, I sat on the front deck in the sunshine doing a crossword puzzle. The clean, cold air was soothing. Spring is coming.
Love the white-tailed deer!
Snapping photos of our deer in the back yard, I appreciated the changing of the seasons and the cycle of life.
They blend in so well


  1. Sounds like all went well. Let's hope more sunshine and warm weather are on the way.

  2. Hope the recovery is swift. It's too nice to be sick.

  3. Hoping you feel better soon...not good to have a cold or bronchitis...thinking of you!

  4. Oh gosh, I hope you feel better soon.

    I love it when the sun comes out and you can smell spring in the air!

  5. I'm glad ER was there for you and hope you continue to heal.

  6. I'm so sorry you're feeling so under the weather despite the warmth starting to flow your way. You Canadians are sure lucky you've got good medical care.


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