
Sunday 25 December 2011

Memories of Christmas and a poem

Coyote? Wolf?
All is silent, in forest snowed
Wildlife passed, our tracking showed
Grumpy cats, too cold, they mutter
Not content to watch birds flutter
They hunt mice friends under the frost
No wee critters can they accost
Off indoors, their paws ashaking
Happy birds with no more quaking

Under the tree our presents remain
Family's far, we must refrain
Remember well those days of yore
Children's laughter I did adore
wild turkey tracks
Now afar, the children are grown
Hearken well, most did phone!
Volume is up, Messiah plays
Remember well those good old days
Every note I have sung by heart
Concerts plenty we've taken part
Memories poignant they invoke
Modern, classical, to baroque
Candelight services, carols galore
Voices raised in song no more

exhausted after walkies!

Nanny cooks her turkey
(Anne Butt –nee Mallette, 1883 - 1978)
Extended family and parties grand
Turkey dinners Gramma planned
Dysfunctional – no we were not
Cousins arranged, food in the pot
Crackers popped, surprises are spread
Silly hats sat upon the head

New traditions now created
Sadly now Christmas belated
A day alone I shall survive
Tomorrow I turn shifty-five!

Silly hats upon our heads –1970
 Merry Christmas in many languages

Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanza
Season's Greetings
and Happy Holidays!!!!!

Wishing you a prosperous new year!
My father always did a lot of Christmas baking
This must have been 1958 or so. 

Christmas, 1980
Me, Caitlin (trying to suck her finger),
Serena (for whom I did Home Day Care)

Christmas, 1979
Caitlin wasn't happy with Santa!

Our 2001 Christmas Tree!

Nanny's family tree


  1. I like your poem, and it is always interesting to see family photos.

    We had a quiet Christmas here on the Plateau of Tennessee. We visited with children over the phone as well. But at least we didn't have to worry about being awakened three hours before dawn!

    I hope you have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  2. Love your poem and the 1980's glasses.

  3. Happy Birthday Jenn! Ah these Christmas's alone do bring back the memories. I have learned int he past decade not to let too many in at a time. I actually did pretty well today. I loved seeing the pictures of your family from over the years but I am too tired to delve into that family tree~ Just up checking for email from my oldest with Christmas morning photos from out west. Enjoy YOUR DAY tomorrow!

  4. What fun photos and a wonderful poem too! Merry Christmas, Jenn!

  5. Wonderful to have the old photos, Jenn. I miss my grandparents and my parents every Christmas.

  6. Happy Birthday Jenn! All the best for a wonderful year ahead! We had a wonderful Christmas but it's a different feeling now that my kids are almost grown. I hope they will stay close by but it's not in my control. Sad thought. Then again, I don't miss those busy toddler years when you didn't have a moment to yourself. Life goes on.

  7. Love the memories Jenn....that's what Christmas is like for us too. And by now we are used to it and even relish it. (Even our grandkids are wayyyy past the beliving in Santa Claus stage -- and after that milestone passes, Christmas is just different even if you are close!)

  8. As years roll by, our Christmases grow more and more quiet. A mixed blessing, I think. Your photos are fun and happy, and I enjoyed your poem.


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