
Friday 21 October 2011

Respect for the Environment; bullies, bullied, bystanders

Garbage dumped
Sometimes I wonder. But I'm not surprised. The Tea Party libertarians in this region want the right to treat the land any way they choose. Liberty from taxes and laws.

I follow the issues related to the environment. We drink well water. We love watching nature on our land.

I cannot believe man's inhumanity towards nature.

And the solution? We all must watch out and speak out for such conflict. It is the same solution to bullying. I truly believe this. I read a book: The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander, and realized was was right. It is the bystander who is often the guilty party.
The bully won't stop, the bullied cannot stand up, and the bystander...

Education, give victims the tools and the language to fight them. Give the bullies the idea that we are watching them. And bystanders must stand up for what they believe in. Not in terms of getting into harms way, but in speaking truth to power.

I heard Mr. Obama say, found it in print,
"When thinking about the work we must do - rebuilding an economy that can compete on a global stage, fixing our schools so that every child gets a world-class education, making sure that our health care system is affordable and accessible to all - let us not be trapped by what is. We've got to keep pushing for what ought to be," he said.

Bullies how no respect for victims. Seems to me that they get less attention than those who snow no respect for our world.
Shame on those who show no respect for the land, but blame it on what? Greed? Ignorance? Stupidity?

Township Of Drummond/North Elmsley Fined $4,000 For Failing To Comply With Certificate Of Approval - MOE

PERTH – On May 10, 2011, the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley was convicted on one violation under the Environmental Protection Act for failing to comply with a condition of their Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site.

United States Poacher Fined for Violations of Canadian Laws While Hunting Waterfowl

EDMONTON, Alta. -- October 19, 2011 -- Jeffrey Foiles, of Pleasant Hill, Illinois, was fined a total of $14,500 today in Edmonton Provincial Court on five counts of violations against Canadian law protecting migratory birds, and one count under the Criminal Code of Canada. Foiles had pleaded guilty on September 14, 2011, to committing the violations between 2004 and 2007 while hunting waterfowl and filming a series of commercial hunting videos in Canada.
Foiles was also fined $1500 for causing unnecessary pain and suffering to a bird contrary to the Criminal Code.

Alberta Man Found Guilty for Illegally Importing Snakes and Scorpions
EDMONTON, Alb. -- October 18, 2011 -- Terrell John Gruse, a resident of Edmonton, Alberta, was convicted on October 13, 2011, for illegally importing rattlesnakes and scorpions into Canada. His violations include two counts under the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRIITA) and one count under the Species at Risk Act (SARA).

An individual has been fined $40,000 for engaging in the illegal trade of an endangered species
MONTRÉAL, Que. -- September 28, 2011 -- The Quebec component of an investigation into the illegal trade of Queen Conches, initiated in October 2006 by Environment Canada, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and fisheries officers from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ended in a guilty verdict and a fine totalling $40,000 for Michael Angelakis.

Vancouver Poacher Found Guilty of Illegally Hunting Dunlin and Great Blue Heron
VANCOUVER, B.C. -- September 22, 2011 -- Hang Jian Guo, of Vancouver, was convicted in British Columbia Provincial Court for illegal hunting under the Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994.


  1. Great post, I for one respect the environment and the love the wildlife. We have had our own bullies here shooting a female hawk while on a nest. Very sad what these poachers get away with.. I am hoping the tea party does not win and people stand up and speak. Great post and photos, have a wonderful weekend!

  2. My personal pet peeve is littering. I cannot stand the way some feel free to trash the land around them.
    One time a school custodian thanked me for my classroom floor free of gum wrappers and other debris. It only took the first time a student, when asked to pick up a piece of paper, replied "that's the janitor's job."
    Everybody in class got the message that day.

  3. Thanks for a wonderful post. I agree that bullies, poachers and others get by with what they do because most people day and do nothing. It's definitely a sad state of affairs.

  4. The only good thing about the Tea Party is they're worse than the Republicans in the US, and Harper's neo-conservatives here!
    Glad some poachers here and there are being punished.
    Had to laugh at Olga's comment here about littering.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Sometimes I think the US is going crazy. The country has made great strides in environmental protection (not that we don't have a long way to go yet) and so many people want to dismantle all the regulations in the name of "freedom." What about our freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water?

    Your examples of violations are shocking. Greed, pure and simple.

  6. point well made, Jenn, and you have a lot of evidence to back up what you are saying.

  7. Yes, Olga, I had those issues with the kids, too! I used to pay my students a chocolate kiss for every 10 pieces of garbage they picked up off of the floor!


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