
Sunday 25 September 2011

Will the provincial election mimic the federal?

It was a shock that the NDP managed to go from 1970s meetings of only a handful of people, to becoming the official opposition in this year's federal election. The pollsters are admitting their screwup. They totally screwed polls by unfairly comparing land lines to cell phone responses.

With the passing of NDP leader Jack Layton, the NDP will have to regroup federally.

A pollster’s painful reckoning: ‘How could I have screwed up so badly?'
 In 1967, the median age was 26. It's now 42. Today's average voter is in his or her early 60s. Young people aren't getting out to vote. At the turn of the penultimate century, 1900, average lifespan was 40. Now it is over 80. A vastly different perspective.
A recent CBC article:

Pollsters grapple with methodology, impact of election polls

Polls seen to have had a 'major impact on the outcome' of last federal election

"I do think this was an interesting election in that it's hard to deny that polls themselves had a major impact on the outcome of the election," said Derek Leebosh of Environics.
He said a CROP poll published shortly after the televised leaders' debate and showing the NDP had leapt into a commanding lead in Quebec was like "a depth charge" exploding in the campaign.

Sweet corn signage- ironic!
Our politicians need to represent all constituents' points of view. Young and old, rich and poor, advantaged and disadvantaged, healthy and sick.
With several provincial elections on the way, we shall see what happens. The Ontario election is coming to a close (Oct. 6th).

Rick Mercer had it right: let's unite the liberals and the NDP. What a hilarious 2011 rant.


Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Rob Ford made it into the Toronto mayor's office on the strength of older voter support, they say. Ontario "Conservative Leader Tim Hudak is probably hoping the same generational fault line will work to his advantage in the October election, Mr. Graves said."

Hudak seems to be relying on the familiar rant, 'healthcare system is broken', and making false claims about the regional LHIN system. It does not cost $300 million to administer it. And if he intends to dismantle it, what kind of system does he envision?

If you have a weak candidate and a weak platform, wrap yourself up in the American flag and talk about the Constitution. -Matthew Stanley Quay, senator (1833-1904) 

1 comment:

  1. poor Canada has seemingly caught our US madness!! Alas

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

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