
Thursday 2 June 2011

Doors open

Every year, Doors Open Ontario attracts large crowds across Ontario. From April to October, residents and visitors are invited to discover first-hand Ontario’s hidden heritage treasures, some of which have never been open to the public.

We 'did' Doors Open Muskoka in 2008. It was interesting seeing the old Muskoka cottages from the movers and shakers of the period.
The best place to sit in June in Ontario
 is a Muskoka Room. 

Obviously, if your family had a cottage in the good old days, you had fame and/or fortune.

Only minor modifications have been made since 1900 and the cottage is still owned by Stewart descendants.

Perth doors are quite unique, from the fabulous McMartin House, to the Perth Manor.

Doors Open Ontario
continues to bring communities together across Ontario. Throughout the province, there is a growing pride in our heritage.

Doors Open Perth Ontario -June 18, 2011

I bought this swing for Mom
back when I was in high school!
Ain't no bugs on us!
Jofee doing 'homework.'
At our house we have doors open, but only the ones with screens!

The cats LOVE the Muskoka Room
So do the people


  1. that's a classic cottage swing, you should do a piece on its origins one day Jenn!

  2. What a great tradition. That looks like a really nice place to spend weekends and such.

  3. Wow how cool is that swing???? I can't believe that is from your high school days. P.S. not saying you are old - it's just the swing looks like it is brand new ... WHEW dodged a bullet! W.C.C.

  4. @Christine,
    Dad and I stuffed it into our old VW Beetle to get it home. It barely fit. It was a birthday present for my mother. Bought it in Toronto.
    Mom used to go and sit in it in the cottage where it was for many years after they built the house beside the cottage. The kids used to fight over who was going to sit in it!

    @W.C. You're funny.
    It *IS* ancient. I am 54 years old...Wicker is timeless as long as it is protected. I have to figure out how to hang it in the Muskoka room! A beam or something.

  5. BTW
    Bought it at a store north of Yonge & Summerhill. We lived on Walker Ave. One of those great adventures I had with my late Dad!


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