
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Brock Zeman at O'Reilly's pub

This is a boot made for a woman!
We went out on the town yesterday. See my previous post. What was I thinking adopting an abandoned bird? Being adopted, with abandonment issues myself, it seemed to make sense. Deal with your issues...

For a bit of blessed relief, we went out to O'Reilly's pub. Those 5 a.m. feedings, with beautiful chirping songs from Batman.

It was a nice break. Caesar Salad with shrimp, and Oriental Stir-fry. Yum.

We practically lived at O'Reilly's when we moved here last September. No internet; no dishes or cutlery (couldn't find the box - too bad so sad!) They have wireless internet, and a great staff.

I've featured the boss's boots. They are SOOOOO kewl! 

Every Tuesday, Brock Zeman plays.
I heard his band featured on CBC radio one Sunday morning. The song that captured me is 'Life is Good'. A song about getting old, leaving your home, perfect for the people I volunteer with.

The ravages of old age are incredible. You lose your physical agility, mobility, and the sense start to go.
This song embodies the sadness of this state of old age. And we know that we have to name it to own it. We know how healing it is to speak of your issues, whether they be grief, anger or any of the emotions we feel as humans.

One of our clients, home ill, has a hubby in the hospital. She is lonely, and fearful.

Many talk about living to be 100, but you lose your friends, you cannot maintain your home, you may be unable to drive safely. Independence changes your life as your world narrows.

A haunting song. A great band. A good night out on a Tuesday. What the heck. Hubby let me sleep in until 7 p.m., when a kitten curled up on top of me to sleep after his first feeding.


  1. O'Reilly's sounds like a great pub. Brock Zeman doesn't look old enough to be worried about getting old yet, though. :)

  2. Sounds like a great place. Those books are very, very awesome.

    I respect and appreciate your turtle season photo. We, too, have turtles nesting beside the road. Up there with committing suicide. We must be watchful and helpful to the turtles.

  3. Glad you had a nice evening out. The song's a bit scary though. Congrats on the adoption!

  4. That does look like a great pub. Very kewl boots I should say. Does the guy play other songs also? ;)

  5. It IS a great pub. Love it, Sandy, 'committing suicide'! Especially with careless, distracted drivers.
    Thanks, Christine. The song is reality. I think, as I recall, he wrote it about the house where he lives.
    Yes, Yogi, Sure does! He has several albums. (Are we ever going get rid of that term?!)
    He does great music, it is on his website. Click on the link for his name. Even on iTunes, too. I'm thinking of doing a video, using his tune with his permission, with the photos that I have. It really moved me.


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