
Friday, 20 May 2011

Danger in the world

There are babies everywhere.
Calves in the fields.

The lilacs are close to blooming.

Sadly, one bird chose to make a nest in the tree house.

It's not really the best place. Oliver loves it in there, as much as our granddaughters.
I had put up the plantcam on the tree house balcony. Lousy shots some days, but gives date and time stamp.
 The nest was gone. Sometime last night something dragged the nest down.

I found that the nest has been pulled down and the wee eggs smashed on the floor.
Sady and one of her 'mice friends'
Then, Sady went outside and grabbed a phoebe. We bribed her with cat treats, and she dropped the panting, twitching bird.

 It was so sad. I picked it up and held it for awhile.
Here is Sady with one of her mice friends.

Isn't the phoebe beautiful? It sat in my hand for a long time.
she had breathing issues

She had some bleeding. I was quite worried. I know this is nature, she was seeking a great spot for a nest under our deck where Sady and Oliver patrol.
I decided to place it in the nest, up in the flower box on the shed. She had calmed down some, and was breathing a little less frantically.
 As I stood there about to walk away, the sweet thing flew off. A happy ending.

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