
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Daffy, catty, moon

With subzero night time temperatures, and only 2 C. predicted for today, I think my daffys ought to go back to sleep!

Oliver chose sleep, after we gave him his room back- once my brother left town again.

A whirlwind visit from him, Robin lives in B.C. and works in Northern Ontario. Tigger came out to greet him.

What cat bed?

Last night, Oliver konked out after a day mousing.

Oliver, meantime, is out hunting. He's getting a mouse a day.

The moon was amazing early this morning.

Cats were climbing on the night table, anxious to go out and visit mice friends.

I let them out onto the enclosed porch at 5:30 a.m.


  1. Nice to see cats actually go out working. Ours get scared to death if we let them out. I think they would be harder on the bird population than the mouse population. In the city it is not good form to let your cats out.

  2. I think the cat bed is merely for decoration. lol Cute kitty and love that moon shot!

  3. Cats sleep where they want to sleep.

  4. You have a mighty hunter for a pet. We could use him in our neighborhood. Your daffodils look like they're ready for spring!

  5. Dear Jen

    Thank you for your visit and words, I am so sorry to hear of what you went through, it's unconscionable: so much progress, so little progress, people choose the easier answers which are so often wrong. People's fear negates their compassion. Thanks for reaching out, I love how we can help each other feel less alone. Plus I love your photos.

    Take care and very nice to meet you.


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