
Sunday, 24 April 2011

Buds of spring

The glorious spring. When the promise of luxurious foliage fulfills the promise that all is well with the world. The the cycle of the seasons, after the cold of winter, is such a wonderful time. It warms me body and soul.
I do not mind the changing seasons. In fact I thrive on it. You cannot appreciate feeling happiness without feeling sorrow. And after hours shoveling driveways and sidewalk, getting my shovel into the earth feels good. The smell of the earth, the singing of the birds. The cats rolling around on sun-warmed cement steps!

The winter builds character.

The fall colours: delightful. A beautiful frame that helps us celebrate the harvest and remember the summer colours.

But this month; April showers and spring flowers.

The snow has melted, and everything is rising up to greet us.

The spruce trees I transplanted are looking good.

The raspberry canes have teeny, maroon-coloured leaf buds

Caitlin's star flowers, with a bud!

Two running buds!
There are all kinds of buds. Our local long-term care centre has two rescue cats who roam the institution. They aren't much help, but good company!

 Of course, I have photos of spring buddies, too! Then there are MY buds!

Me and my buds were outside playing in the warm sunshine.

Spring means eschewing winter coats.
Spring bonnets.
Shoes not boots!

Climbing trees, waiting for the ball game to start! All is well and good!

1 comment:

  1. I love the changing of the seasons also. How can you have early Spring without a cold winter? Or a nice mild Autumn without a hot summer.

    Great post.


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