
Thursday 3 March 2011

What do you do?

On a cold day, when the temps register in the double-digit negative range. When the garage door opener breaks, the car won't start, the roof leaks, my delightful hospice client is in hospital (I miss him!), and the news is nothing but depressing, e.g., impending Federal election (great), pollsters already polling for the Oct. 6th provincial election (more election fever).
When you're not invited to the Royal Wedding.
When our taxes are paying to rescue dual-citizens, and non-residents of Canada in Libya, to be liberated, while 3200 people await beds in long-term care in Ontario, or they complain about lack of care in LTC, or suffer at home without adequate home support, or wait in the aisles of hospitals for beds.

When you feel for those without pensions who struggle on daily wages.
When the aches and pains, and physicians tests in your middle-aged body make you mad.
When nothing but doom and gloom, civil war, earthquakes, famine, poverty, violence, anger and acrimony are in the news.
When your pensioned peers travel the world, while others live in poverty.
What do you do?

You live in the present.
You revel in the joys of family and granddaughters and a visit my MY royal family!
You enjoy Dr. Seuss, and the rhymes he spun, for the millionth time!

Gramma brought me animal crackers! Mommy and I played, 'Cheers!'


Sady feigning disinterest.

Back off, buster. My crackers!

Sady wants some, too.

Mommy, don't give away my cracker!
If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.
  -Albert Camus, writer, philosopher, Nobel laureate (1913-1960)


  1. Well said....I hate reading and watching the news....I'd rather peer at this world through my lens and enjoy the beauty of Now!!!!!it may be poking my head in the sand...but I don't suffer from uclers!!!!!

  2. oh such heartwarming family photos, thanks for sharing, and spring is on the way, to help take your cares away!

  3. Always loved Dr. Seuss!
    I didn't know that the list of downers was so long until I read this!!! But that's what Dr. Seuss is for.
    Since I taught Jr. high I quite often referred to children's stories. It always brought great smile from the whole class.
    From Gr. 9 to 12 my daughter worked as a page in the local library. She was in the children's dept. So One time I said I'll bet you read books in there. She said of course. When your older you see other meanings!

  4. Kitty wants a cracker!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  5. You certainly do have a royally beautiful, adorable family, Jenn!

  6. Great looking family. Hope things are starting to warm up a little

  7. I think your blogpost says it all - with all the troubles in life, the bottom line is that you will be very RICH indeed as long as you have your family. Great pictures as always! W.C.C.

  8. Yup -- the grandbabies would do it for me, and Dr Seuss is an added bonus anytime anywhere.


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