
Friday 4 March 2011

Snowmobiles in Osgoode

Update: Snowmobilers and Osgoode residents fight over rural pathway

When Karen Wallace-Graner bought a home that backed onto a railway line in Osgoode Village 22 years ago, she called CP Rail to check about the frequency of the train.

Now there are 80 snowmobiles a day passing through. I know the noise and the smell. How can they possibly allow this? With skiers, and young families, using the path. What a shame for the neighbourhood.

It won't help tourism dollars, I just don't see the purpose in allowing this.
The trails are rather unpredictable. This snowmobile trail leading through Bala is rather iffy, since the snow is alright on the main trails, but melted on the roads leading to the gas station. This guy overheated his motor (March 6, 2010) trying to get to the gas station. There should be warning signs up! He was very angry, and threw snow on the engine to cool it down. This is dangerous driving, in my estimation. And people using trails and sleds do not mix.

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